The Rules of the Team Overlord Entrance Exam
To sign up for the Team Overlord Entrance Exam, request a test in the Testing Requests sub-forum, or PM a tester on DN.
You must have a positive win / loss ratio AND have 100 or more experience to be eligible to apply for the test. The exam is split up into two parts, the Dueling Section and the Rulings Section. You may receive a maximum of 100 points on the Dueling Section, and a maximum of 50 points on the Rulings Section, for a combined score of 150. To pass the test, you need a score of 125 or greater. I’ll talk about the Dueling Section first, since it is the first section you will encounter on the test.
The Dueling Section
During the Dueling Section, you play a Match against an admin, using a deck of your choice. The admin will also duel with a deck of his own choice. You are scored based on several factors.
1. Match Result: You receive 15 points for defeating the admin 2-0, 10 for defeating him 2-1, 5 for losing 1-2, and 0 for losing 0-2.
2. Deck Build: The admin will score you from 0-20 in this category based on how well you built your deck. This includes how well your Side Deck is equipped to cover various threats, as well as the overall strength of your deck.
3. Creativity/Originality: The admin will score you from 0-10 in this category based on how creative your deck is.
4. Misplays: The admin will score you from 0-10 in this category based on whether you made any misplays.
5. Strategy: The admin will score you from 0-10 in this category based on how well you strategize and think ahead.
6. Hand Control: The admin will score you from 0-5 in this category based on how well you controlled your hand size and managed your resources.
7. Field Control: The admin will score you from 0-10 in this category based on how well you controlled the field and managed your resources.
8. Rulings: The admin will score you from 0-10 in this category based on whether there were any rulings that came up during the course of the match that you did not know.
9. Overall View: The admin will score you from 0-10 in this category based on his overall impression of you.
The Rulings Section
During the Rulings Section, you will enter a duel with the admin in a duel in Unlimited (NOT Unrated). You will not actually be dueling the admin, rather, the duel will simply be used by the admin to set up ruling scenarios visually. The admin will present you with ten rulings scenarios. You may not use any outside resources for this test. You will receive 5 points for each correctly answered question. You may not use any outside resources for this section.
Bonus Points
You will receive 10 bonus points on the Dueling Section by not complaining, whining, bitching, or otherwise acting like a noob who goes and cries to Mommy about every little thing that doesn't happen exactly how he wants it to. Team Overlord has no place for such people, and, as such, if that describes you, then I would recommend that you attempt to join a different team. These 10 bonus points are all or nothing. A single complaint, and you receive none of them. These points are the most easily earned on the entire test, so I would suggest that you take advantage of them. You may also earn 10 bonus points on the Rulings Section by correctly solving a scenario the admin gives to you, where you must win that turn. These 10 bonus points, like those on the Dueling Section, are all or nothing. If you do not solve the scenario correctly, you receive none of them.
If you pass, you have to do a few simple things to become a full-fledged member of the team. First, you must say something about the team on your DN profile. This can be as simple as "Member of Team Overlord." Second, you must make an account on these forums, with your username being the same as your DN username, if you have not already done so. Finally, you must make a introductory post in the Introductions and Farewells sub-forum.
If you do not receive a final score of 125 or higher, you must wait one day if you won the Match 2-0, two days if you won 2-1, three days if you lost 1-2, and four days if you lost 0-2. To request a retake, do not begin a new thread in the Testing Requests sub-forum, rather, make a post in your original thread stating that you would like to request a retake. Retaken tests will not be treated differently than first tests, other than a possible change of the admin’s deck and potential changes in the ruling questions which are asked, as well as a change to the the Ruling Section bonus point scenario.
These are the members who are qualified to administer the test.
I hope this answers all your questions about the exam. If you have any questions that weren't answered, either leave me a message on here or PM me on DN, and I'll do my best to answer your questions.
Thanks for reading, everyone!